Reflection of God's Love in us | Christian Blog

Divine love is the proper motive for human love. "We love because HE loved us first" (1 John 4:19). While our immediate focus should be on our fellow believers, our obligation to love does not end there:

What is the most compelling proof of your faith? Is it external piety—how often do you pray or attend church, study your Bible, and engage in other overtly "Christian" activities? Perhaps we might search for experiential evidence—do God and His Word push you to have an emotional response, or do you simply "feel" the Spirit at work in you?

No, the best evidence of your faith is found in how you love, not in how you act or feel. "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God," says the Bible. for God is love, and whoever does not love does not know God" (1 John 4:7–8).

In His great wisdom, the Creator of the universe has chosen to utilize the sinners He saves to reflect His loving character. God has lavished His saving love on His chosen people. This, in turn, fosters love among His people—love that serves three important functions in our broken world.

- Love Is a Witness to an Unbelieving World

When God's love shines through our life, it shows an unbeliever that we are His Children "By this, all men will know that you are My disciples," Jesus declared (John 13:35). Our affection for one another is a litmus test that distinguishes genuine followers from imposters. In light of this truth, we should examine ourselves and our relationships with other Christians. What message are we conveying to those who are skeptical of our existence?

-Love Ensures Salvation

Joining a church will not save you, but it may help you determine if you are saved. The commandment of Jesus to "love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12) is most fully realized among the congregation of believers because God loves is so gracious and merciful Father

No matter what we may think of ourselves, God always loves us. Jesus Proved His Love by sacrificing Himself for our Salvation. Then He went back to heaven He sent HolySpirit to communicate His love. We may doubt ourselves and we often do, but let us never doubt God. By faith, we enter into a relationship with God through Christ

-Love is a reflection of God's love

Divine love is the proper motivation for human love. "We love because He loved us first" (1 John 4:19). While our immediate focus should be on our fellow believers, our obligation to love does not end there:

However, we must not mix our affection for others, particularly unrepentant sinners, with evangelization. Loving others isn't the gospel, and it's certainly not a substitute for it. Rather, it inspires and embellishes the gospel that we proclaim.

We preach to the lost because we care about them and don't want them to perish—and unbelievers can typically detect when we're sincerely driven by our love for them. We also preach the gospel because we love God and want to see Him glorified through the proclamation of His glorious Name.

God's greatest gestures of love—especially the cross cannot be replicated. However, through loving people in ways that bring them to our great and loving God, we can reflect the love He has poured out in our own hearts (Romans 5:5).


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Yash Mahyavanshi

2 Blog posts
