Waiting patiently for God's perfect timing | Christian blog

God's timing is perfect. It may not the timing we want, but it's the timing we need. Trust Him.

Whenever we hear 'wait' we always ask questions, how long? and it's common to ask this. We all get frustrated tired while waiting and that's natural to feel that.

But here's something you need to hear, Rushing won't satisfy you but waiting patiently for God's perfect timing and for His plan, surely will. 

Most of us think that waiting is wasting but that's not true. In our waiting, God is working behind the scenes. In our waiting, we are on beautiful journey with Christ. Waiting is an amazing process where we grow, learn and come closer to God. 

God's wisdom knows what's best for us, God's love wants what's best for us God's power can accomplish what's best for us. The key is waiting for God's best.

God use our waiting to perfect an area of our character, maybe you lack patience, maybe your faith needs to be enlarged, maybe God wants to see if you will trust Him or not. In this peroid of waiting, He will mold you, give you shape, sharpen you, He will make you stronger also He will prepare you for the things further. 

So in your waiting season, you are growing and blooming so much. God is preparing you training you. Don't despise the preparation nor the process. Spend time in God's word and get amazing more Christian content on www.vishvasi so you can feed your spiritual life with God's living Word. 


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Sarah Kuyeskar

3 Blog posts
